Teaching English in Mexico: Hermosillo, Sonora

About the city of Hermosillo: The majestic “City of the Sun” Hermosillo is the capital city of the state of Sonora located 2037 km from M...

About the city of Hermosillo: The majestic “City of the Sun”

Hermosillo is the capital city of the state of Sonora located 2037 km from Mexico City, through federal highways 57, 45, 110, 90 and 15 in Mexico. Hermosillo is also known as the City of Oranges due to the abundance of oranges in its territory. Called the majestic “City of the Sun,” it is a sister city of Phoenix, Arizona. It has a population of close to one million residents and is highly bilingual, with highly promoted and widely spoken English, especially in tourism-related businesses.

Among the main attractions that you can visit in Hermosillo are: The Government Palace, which has interesting murals, the Plaza de Zaragoza and its Arab kiosk, La Asunción Cathedral, Las Capillas del Carmen and Espiritu Santo, The modern building of the Autonomous University of Sonora. , where the State Museum is located. There are also: Madero Park, The Culture House, Plaza Tres Pueblos and the Batuc Church. Near Cerro La Campana (Bell Hill), there is a viewpoint from which you can enjoy a beautiful view of the city. Another attraction is the Abelardo L. Rodríguez dam, an ideal place for fishing. Hermosillo has several hotels and restaurants where tourists can taste the famous regional cuisine. The main party in Hermosillo is the Harvest Festival, which is celebrated from June 21 to 26, with a float parade and an industrial exhibition.

How about teaching English in Sonora?

Soria High School Institute

Hermosillo, Sonora

Contact: Selma Guerra, Language Program Coordinator

Email: sguerra_murillo@hotmail.com

The program is constantly improving, supervised by education researchers working within our Soria Educational Group. Our language program includes English and French. There are currently around 600 students. The campus is located downtown, near the commercial and financial area of ​​the city. Our teachers work 40 hours a week, 20 hours of teaching and 20 hours organizing and preparing material, lesson plans, attending workshops and other activities related to the field. Our groups vary from 10 to 25 students. Teaching at the Soria Institute is a great opportunity for teachers: the school was founded in 1918 and is about three hours from the border with the United States. You will have access to the Pacific Ocean, which is approximately one hour from the city. The weather is very warm, so we ask our prospects to have been in warm weather before submitting the application. The requirements for this full-time position are: native English speaker, a bachelor’s degree in a related field (this is mandatory), some teaching experience, minimum age of 26 years; You must be willing to work as part of a team, be sociable, dynamic and flexible with an excellent personal appearance. You also want some ability to speak Spanish.

Northwest University

Hermosillo, Sonora

Contact: Carmen García, Coordinator of the Department of Languages

Email: krmen@villa1.uno.mx

University looking for 3 full-time EFL teachers with experience working with groups of up to 20 students. The requirements include a master’s degree in the related field (MANDATORY), the ability to speak Spanish at a basic or intermediate level. You must work well with others and enjoy teamwork, be patient and able to handle multiple tasks at once. Willingness to learn and participate in another culture, and a good sense of humor is also required. Their job responsibilities would cover a work schedule that varies from 7 am to 6 pm with 40 hours per week. (20 hours of teaching and 20 hours for administrative tasks). You would teach up to 3 classes a day, offer tutoring, do class planning tasks and administrative tasks, as well as attend meetings, seminars and training schedules and workshops.

The university is located in Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora. It is a border state, which means that it is significantly different from the tourist parts of Mexico. It is definitely Mexico, but the influence of the United States is evident. Life here is often dictated by the weather, which exceeds 110 ° F during the summer months, which is a good time to spend a weekend in nearby Kino Bay or San Carlos. Students here are very interested in learning English and have many opportunities to practice, as there is a close relationship with Arizona. However, English is not their first priority since they are in professional degree programs at the UN. The University fully supports learning English and highlights its importance for the various programs.

Mexican American Institute of Cultural Relations

Boulevard. Navarrete and Monteverde

Hermosillo, Sonora

Telephone: 526 214-0781

Contact: Patricia Arias

Most of the English programs here are for teenage students. To find out about your most recent requirements, general information, salaries and positions or to submit an application, call or write directly to the school. They are primarily interested in experienced teachers and teacher certification. Teachers with experience and knowledge in other subjects and subjects can also apply.

Individual English

Calle Morelos (near the corner with Miguel Alemán Centro)

Obregon, Sonora 85000

Telephone: 413 – 6793, 413 – 2862

Fax: 413 – 8089

Website: http://www.ingles-individual.com

Email: obregon@ingles-individual.com

Contact: Rosy Espinoza, Administrator

A school with offices throughout Mexico that specializes in small classes. They have extensive audiovisual facilities, including their own closed circuit television network. There are conversation club classes and sponsored video sessions as a normal part of student learning activities. They would like to have certified and experienced teachers, but will consider enthusiastic and outgoing candidates who have a strong desire to enter the field of English teaching. Additional contact information for your numerous online locations can be obtained at the address of your website listed above.

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